Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Women's Wallet Window Graphics

These are three designs for window graphics for the release of a new women's wallet collection. A little background info: the wallet collection is all made of embossed vegetable-dyed Italian leather. The particular company likes to advertise their products as things that "get better with age". One of the styles offered is embossed with real wood grain, so along that line I wanted to show that each wallet has something a little unique to it. 
These graphics would be white decals applied on the glass off the store front, with the product displayed in the window. 
    The product placement for the first graphic would be inside of the heart shape made by the hands, in particular I wanted to show a darker color wallet. Tag line would read "Introducing: tall dark & handsome"
    For the second graphic I wanted to place several of the wood grain embossed wallets above the fingertips of the hand print. Tag line would read "To each her own"
   The third graphic would display a variety of colors and styles of wallets inside the frames. Tag line would read "Keep a masterpiece in your purse"


  1. Women have always loved looking absolutely fabulous. So they wear fashionable clothes and some accessories. One of the most adored accessories that you can see women use is a clutch purse. In fact, almost every woman has a clutch purse to fit the right occasion.

    Clutch purses possess the style and elegance that women usually look for in bags or any other accessories. They tend to display that charm and classic beauty that women of the Golden Age exude. It brings one back to the time when only the fashionable gain that distinction in society. And yes, purses come in handy.

  2. What a nice site it is ! I have read this site I can learn everything, about women wallets .This site’s template is very nice. this site’s photo’s are reliable. We have a site of women wallets this is a famous site If you visit this site you can see different types and different price of men wallets. For more details visit on
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